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What We Offer

We will work with you to determine the best solutions that fit your individual or organizational needs.

What We Offer
Giving a Speech
Giving a Speech

Speaking Engagements

  • Educate on the science of mind body medicine and how chronic stress effects individual and organizational stress


  • Provide experiential opportunities to practice and build skills needed to address the effects of chronic stress and foster wellbeing


Leadership Consultation
Curriculum Development
Outcome Measures

  • Develop programming to promote a culture of wellbeing within organizations


  • Build customized resources for long term sustainability


  • Create intentional spaces for peer to peer support


  • Develop outcome measures specific to the organization's focus

A couple at a business meeting
Support Group
Support Group

Mind Body
Skills Groups*

  • Group of 8-10 individuals meeting routinely (between 5-12 sessions) to experience in-depth mind body medicine knowledge, skills and peer to peer support

*Mind body skills groups are educational, supportive groups intended to develop self-care skills and are not formal mental health therapy or intended as a substitute for conventional medical treatment or to diagnose or treat specific conditions.

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